Personal Projects and Exhibited Works

Solidarity Matters, 2024.

Joint Exhibition, “Do You Feel It Too?“ Finnish National Museum of Photography.

Documentary portraits of Palestinian resistance protestors occupying space outside of the Porthania building at the University of Helsinki, calling for a total academic and financial boycott of Zionist and apartheid institutions.

I Feel Anxious, 2024.

Full bleed featuring self-portraits for Photofuss x Nuoritaide zine project.

Emergent Properties, 2023.

Caisa Helsinki, Joint Exhibition. Helsinki, Finland. 2023.

Helsinki Fashion Week “Artist of the Year” Solo Exhibition. Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland. 2023.

Images from Texas, 2023.

Joint Exhibition together with Darkroom Collective. Lapinlahden Lähde, Helsinki, Finland. 2023.

Expats, 2021.

For this project, I chose to seek out people in my hometown of Helsinki, Finland, who shared the same or similar experiences to mine of this ambiguous sense of identity and how it relates to nationality.

The use of the word “ex-pat” is one that is heavily debated for its arbitrary application to the subject of the term. In popular diction, it is applied almost exclusively to white citizens of the global north and imperial core—the alternative being “immigrants,” of which this characterization more frequently is used to describe working-class people of color from the global south.

For this project, I spent two weeks meeting with 11 people from 15 different nations living in Helsinki.