
I have professional video experience as a full-time audio-visual production assistant at Aalto Studios, where I produced assorted communications and visual marketing materials, as well as internal productions, for Aalto University and its extended network of partners.

Experienced editor and colorist in Premiere Pro and Resolve (including roundtrip workflows), with motion graphics and sound mixing experience in After Effects and Audition.

I have a wide range of audio-visual production experience. I’ve worked on everything from simple one-camera setups intended for social media, promotional, and commercial digital marketing purposes, to multicamera and lit on-location, studio productions and documentaries.

Production Experience

Näytös Aalto Fashion Graduates’ Show, 2023.

Worked as a camera operator and editor.

We put together detailed short videos of each collection as well as a feature-length documentation of the entire show, both of which can be viewed here.

Producer: Hetta Huhtamäki

Assistant Producer: Maria Rantamäki

From The Ground Up, 2023.

Filmed and photographed scenes for Coptersafety’s documentary short film, together with No Office Films, about the human stories behind helicopter pilots working in the rotor industry.

Screengrabs from a scene I shot in northern Norway for the production, together with the Norwegian Air Ambulance Service (Norsk Luftambulanstjensten) of a mountainous high-altitude light-on-skid operation.

The film is currently going through the international festival circuit.

Informational video for Herald Herlin Learning Centre

Sound, editing, and additional B-roll by me.

Videography by Mika Vartiainen.

Produced by Hetta Huhtamäki,

Assistant producer Lassi Savola.

The video is publicly displayed at the Herald Herlin Learning Centre.

Selected Work, Aalto Studios (2022-2023)

20x4 Pavillion for Dept of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Documenting the 20x4 Twist Pavillion, displayed in the Väre building lobby on the Otaniemi campus.

Design by Serenay Elmas, Ph.D. Researcher in Structures and Architecture, supported by the Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Architecture.

Editing by me, videography by Lassi Savola.

Informational video for Aalto Studios Lightboard Studio

Short and sweet instruction video showing people how to use the self-service studio.

Filmed and edited by me, featuring and produced by Kalle Kataila.

View the full video here.

Shorts for Aalto University SoMe channels

Short 1min SoMe videos I shot and edited, presenting a series of startups founded through the Aalto University entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Full videos on Aalto University SoMe channels.

Personal Work

Slumber Suit, 2024.

A fun little video I made for my “Thematic Studio” course as part of my BA studies in design at Aalto University.

In short, I was tasked with creating a project inspired by the theme of “sleep,” using any medium I have access to. I chose to create a representative fashion piece inspired by and intended to communicate the emotive and cognitive experience of a sleep-deprived student.

The visual story is imagined through this short fashion film, where I am shown rushing to get ready in the morning, and running through the halls of the Undergraduate Center, inevitably late for class.

A Midsummer’s Dream, 2024.

A quick video short made during a test shoot with model/actress Tyra Wingren, shot on the eve of Midsummer in the Finnish countryside.

The color grade was designed to emulate the feel of motion picture film stock.

Näytös Reworked, 2024.

A multimedia short I made using my photos from the Näytös24 Aalto Fashion Graduates’ Show.

I wanted to capture the energy, adrenaline, but also technical proficiency that goes into working to create a fashion show.

I composited and stabilized the images into animations and then converted them using a custom digital emulation of a vintage CRT-style monitor.

I used a combination of Lightroom, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, Resolve, Audition, and Magic Bullet.

IKEA and Democracy, 2023.

A short video I made for my Design and Media Cultures class at Aalto University.

We were given the topic “IKEA and Democracy” and tasked to create a video essay, where we present our research, as well as criticism and personal motivations for our topic, in a creative manner. It was a cool exercise where I put some of my camera, light, editing, and grading skills to practice.

This was also my first project with AI-generated assets.

Emergent Properties interviews, 2023.

A series of interviews I conducted as part of the photo project of the same name that I put together in the summer of 2023.

The project focused on exploring the intersection of personal identity expression and how this is reflected through one’s fashion, specifically focused on queer identity expression.

The photos from this project were exhibited at Helsinki Fashion Week 2023 in Suomenlinna for its “Artist of the Year” showcase. The images were also exhibited alongside works by Gabriella Presnal at Caisa Gallery in Helsinki.

Misc. Commercial Work

SRI/SSD Conference Documentation, 2024.


Aalto University
Future Earth
University of Helsinki